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Administrative reform
Technical regulation and standardization
Regulation of industrial safety
Regulatory Impact Analysis
Sustainable development
Quality Management
Development of the innovation activity
Administrative reform
Development of SME
Regulatory Impact Analysis
Optimization of the procurement activity of the government
Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)
Technical regulation and standartization
Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government
Investment activity
Development of the innovation activity
Consulting and legal services for private companies including optimisation of business, marketing services and others
Development of land & property relations
Efficiency improvement of the state and municipal real property management
Regulation of entrepreneurial activities
Administrative reform
Deregulation and de-bureaucratization of the economy
State regulation of the ICT market
Development "the new economy"
Creation of e-government
SME in the ICT sphere
SME in Russia and its individual regions
Social and economic development of regions
Migration policy
Transport system development
Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)
Regulatory Impact Analysis
Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government
Improvement of the land and property regulation
Investment activity
Industrial policy
Development of SME
Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)
Regulatory Impact Analysis
Regional policy
Industrial policy
Development of SME
Regulatory Impact Analysis
Improvement of the land and property regulation
Investment activity
Regional policy
Industrial policy
Development of SME
Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)
Regulatory Impact Analysis
Competitive policy
Industrial policy
Development of land & property relations
Efficiency improvement of the state and municipal real property management
Regulation of entrepreneurial activities
Administrative reform
Deregulation and de-bureaucratization of the economy
Creation of e-government
SME in Russia and its individual regions
social and economic development of regions
Investment activity
Administrative reform
Social and economic development of the regions, regional policy
Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government.
Development of SME
Optimization of the procurement activity of the government
Competitive policy
Development of SME
Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)
Regulatory Impact Analysis
Improvement of the land and property regulation
Investment activity
Anticorruption policy and reduction of the corruption risks in public sector
Regional policy
Competitive policy
Regulatory Impact Analysis
Administrative reform
Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government.
Development of SME
Optimization of the procurement activity of the government
Competitive policy
Development of SME
Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)
Technical regulation and standartization
Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government.
Improvement of the land and property regulation
Anticorruption policy and reduction of the corruption risks in public sector
Consulting and legal services for private companies including optimisation of business, marketing services and others
Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)
Technical regulation and standartization
Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government.
Development of the innovation activity
Regional policy
Industrial policy
Consulting and legal services for private companies including optimisation of business, marketing services and others